Personal information & Eligibility criteria
Golden Residence Program for Portugal: 10 Most Common Questions Answered
The Golden Residence Program for Portugal is one of the most popular residence by investment programs. It offers non-European Union (EU) investors and their families a fast track for acquiring a valid residency permit by making a qualifying investment. The program grants the investors citizenship without living in Portugal, attractive tax systems, access to health care and social security in Europe, etc. If you are considering moving to Portugal, you might wonde [...]
Where to migrate as an investor? We compare the top destinations.
There are plenty of reasons why investors may want to move abroad. Some want to diversify their portfolio and invest in foreign real estate, while others are looking for better business opportunities, or perhaps to retire elsewhere. While some countries offer attractive incentives for foreign investors, choosing the right destination is no easy task. Here, we compare four countries investors might consider moving to — Canada, Portugal, Australia, and New Zeala [...]
Top 10 Reasons Why Canada is a Leading Migration Destination
Are you planning to migrate to Canada? Or are you thinking about it but have not taken the first step yet? Canada offers many great reasons for people to move there. From a safe and welcoming environment to exceptional education, Canada has it all. Tempted to pack your bags and start a new life in this country? Here are ten reasons why Canada is one of the best migration destinations for you. 1. Inclusive Multicultural SocietyCanada is a multicultural country [...]
Webinar – Portugal Golden Visa 2022 Updates
Watch our webinar on the Portugal Golden Visa Updates. The Portugal Golden Visa gives investors and their families Permanent Residency to live,work and study in Portugal and the right to travel visa-free to all of Europe's 26 Schengencountries. It offers the fastest Permanent Residency and Citizenship processing timeamong all other immigration programs. Here are the key points: KEY POINTS- Affordable Real Estate Investment of Euro 280,000 (Minim [...]
6 new streams for PR in Canada
Have you heard? Canada will launch SIX new immigration programs as of MAY 2021!! If you are an International Graduate, Essential Worker, or French Speaker, it is time to tune in! 90,000 YES 90,000 immigrants will have a chance to secure a Canadian Permanent Residency (PR) visa via the new program streams for international graduates and essential workers BUT, it gets even BETTER!! For the French-speaking stream, there will be no intake cap! Did I hear someone say [...]
Newfoundland and Labrador – Or the joy of new PNP programs
2021 brings exciting news for everyone looking to settle down inCanada during this New Year. If you’re a skilled foreign worker insearch of new opportunities, high quality of life, security and safety,then Canada may be a worthwhile destination for you or your family.Not only are there over 100 immigration options to consider but thereare new programs being added to assist those who want to apply forCanadian permanent residency, and the New Priority SkillsNewfou [...]
Express Entry Canada, through a consultant’s lens.
If you are living in the UAE chances are high that you have heard about something called Express Entry (EE) to Canada however, there are some misconceptions out there right now about how this immigration process works, and this is what I am here to help with! As an immigration consultant I like to explain things to my clients in an honest and clear way, and as a specialist in immigration it only makes sense that I share my knowledge in a simplified way making yo [...]
491 & long-awaited news
With a year that has been particular, to say, at least, applicants for skilled migration subclasses 190 & 491 have been patiently waiting to see some hope at the end of this year. And while this is, indeed, a mere flickering flame, it brings some light into 2021 with 491 EOIs now being eligible for submission. And the good news comes, as ever, from a very active New South Wales. So what does this mean for those waiting with a positive skills assessment read [...]
Provincial Nominee Series: E4 – SASKATCHEWAN, a strong candidate for the PNP winner
The province that proves to have a complicated name for offshore applicants does make its provincial nominee program simple and fast. It is hard for immigration advisers not to favour SINP, as they have proven to build one of the clearest and most comprehensive immigration programs through provincial support. So let's discover Saskatchewan together. What do we know about Saskatchewan? Saskatchewan is a prairie province in western C [...]
Provincial Nominee Series: E3 NOVA SCOTIA and the mystery of Category B
When looking at Provincial Nominee Programs for offshore applicants, Nova Scotia seems to have by far one of the most straightforward selection criteria. This, along with the very clear instructions on documents requirements make Nova Scotia seem one of the easiest streams that can boost your score with 600 points. But is this always the case? Let's look a bit in-depth into Nova Scotia's history with PNP nominations. What do we know about Nova Scotia? Nova [...]